Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Mexico...

This is one of my favourite photos from the trip so far.....This was taken a few days ago at the White Sands in New Mexico.

After this we went to a shop off the highway to buy fireworks and the biggest sparklers I've ever seen and lit them in the middle of the desert while listening to the coyotes in the background.


  1. Haha fireworks. Sounds crazy fun. Gotta love a good jumping photo too!

  2. Oh my God that sounds like the best day ever!!! Love, love, love this photo. ♥

  3. haha yay this is wonderful!!


  4. Sounds like you're having a ball! Weren't you scared with the coyotes?? I'd be FREAKING out!

  5. Thanks girls!

    Reezy I should have been more scared, I think I was completely oblivious as to what they are capable of. I found out later that the New Mexican desert has lots of rattlesnakes in it- bit scary! We stayed out of the grass though :)

  6. That sand is so beautiful! What a dream.


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