Sunday, November 07, 2010

Me and Manu...ooh la la

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(note to self: buy some frizz free serum, or a hairbrush!)

I went along to the Good Food and Wine Festival today in Brisbane with my boyfriend and our friend. Earlier in the morning I'd casually mentioned to the guys that Manu was going to be there. They of course said Man-a what? Silly boys, how can they not know Manu?

After only being at the festival for about 30 minutes we walked around a corner to see Manu having photos taken with people. I pretty much screamed his name and my friend dragged me over for a photo. Me being the introverted mute that I am, didn't say anything but smiled at him like a crazy person. Then he called me darling in his gorgeous french accent and I died a little inside ahhh. The boys couldn't stop laughing at me being all giddy over the french guy.

We managed to make our way around the crowds and picked up a few bottles of moscato, Byron Bay beer and some yummy pomegranate liqueur.

How were your weekends?


  1. WAH! Now I want Pomegranate liquor... I would cook yummy things with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. o m g!
    i just bumped into your blog! love it!

    xoxo from rome

  3. Hey hey's not frizz okay? It's volume!! At least thats what I say xxx

  4. Yay for manu! hehe. he seems so nice. love the look of your outfit!
    Heidi xo


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